Paranormal Activity 5 Scheduled To Hit Movie Theaters For Halloween 2013… Will You Watch It, Or Should The Paranormal Activity Franchise Quit While They’re Ahead? Haunted Society Paranormal News — Subscribe To Paranormal News Feed
Thursday, November 26th, 2012
Article By: Phillip Brunelle
HOLLYWOOD, CA — It might not come as a surprise, but Paranormal Activity 5 is scheduled to hit movie theaters by Halloween 2013… Haunted Society is wondering will you be watching it, or are the movie makers wearing out their welcome with another sequel?
Paranormal Activity began as a low budget ‘lost tape’ docu-style movie back in 2007, but the success of the film motivated the movie makes to continue the legacy of the horror movie with a sequel the following year, and now every year since, a new Paranormal Activity has been released in movie theaters every Halloween season to follow.
Although the movie has received mixed reviews, and more film critics are weighing in with negative movie reviews, Paranormal Activity still seems to be leading box office sales year after year.
So, is it time for another horror movie to hit theaters during Halloween 2013 to give the Paranormal Activity franchise some competition? Will you be watching Paranormal Activity 5 when it’s released in movie theaters Halloween 2013? Or do you think enough is enough, and it’s time for the filmmakers to retire the Paranormal Activity franchise? Haunted Society would like to hear your thoughts. Comment below with your opinion.. and if you’re not yet a member of Haunted Society Paranormal Network… Join Here. Haunted Society is a trusted source of paranormal news and a free social networking paranormal resource website.